Completed Projects
Select the following links to access information on the projects that have been completed:
- Analysis of TMC Staff and Staffing Contracts
- Applying Predictive Analytics into the Real-time Management and Operation of TMSs
- Best Practices for Road Condition Reporting Systems
- Changeable Message Sign Operation and Messaging
- Configuration Management for Transportation Management Systems
- Considerations of Current and Emerging Transportation Management Center Data
- Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operational Plans and Procedures
- Developing and Using Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems
- Driver Use of Real-Time En-Route Travel Time Information
- Effectiveness of Safety and Public Service Announcement Messages on Dynamic Message Signs
- Effects on Intelligent Transportation Systems Planning and Deployment in a Connected Vehicle Environment
- Estimating Benefits of Crowdsourced Data from Social Media
- Freeway Service Patrol Prioritization and Best Practice
- Guidelines for Transportation Management Systems Maintenance Concept and Plans
- Guidelines for Virtual Transportation Management Center Development
- Human Factors Guidelines for Transportation Management Centers
- Impacts of Dynamically Displaying Messages on Changeable Message Signs
- Impacts of Technology Advancements on Transportation Management Center Operations
- Inventorying, Documenting, and Configuring TMS Assets and Resources
- Managing TMS Assets
- Managing Travel for Planned Special Events
- Next Generation Traveler Information System-A Five Year Outlook
- Performance Measure and Health Index of ITS Assets
- Procuring, Managing, and Evaluating the Performance of Contracted TMC Services
- Public Perception of Safety Messages and Public Service Announcements on Dynamic Message Signs in Rural Areas
- Recovery and Mitigation for Transportation Management Centers
- Regional, Statewide, and Multi-State TMC Concept of Operations and Requirements
- Role of Transportation Management Centers in Emergency Operations Guidebook
- Roles of Transportation Management Centers in Incident Management on Managed Lanes
- Synthesis of Variable Speed Limit Signs
- TMC Business Planning and Plans Handbook
- TMC Clearinghouse Development and Initiation
- TMC Human Factors Design Guidelines: Requirements Analysis
- TMC Information Technology Security
- TMC Operations Manual
- TMC Operator Requirements and Position Descriptions, Phase 1
- TMC Operator Requirements and Position Descriptions, Phase 2 - Interactive Software
- TMC Performance Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Handbook
- TMC Staffing and Scheduling for Day-to-Day Operations
- Traffic Management Center (TMC) Performance Dashboards
- Transportation Management Center Data Capture for Performance and Mobility Measures Guidebook
- Transportation Management Center Information Technology Security
- Transportation Management Center Video Recording and Archiving Best General Practices
- Transportation Management Systems Maintenance Concept and Plans
- Travel Time Displays at Freeway Entrance Approaches
- Use of Color Changeable Message Signs - Current Practices and Research