Completed Projects
Managing TMS Assets
This project will develop a technical resource to support agencies with identifying the asset management practices agencies should consider when planning and managing a TMS. This resource will provide information to support agencies identifying opportunities with how asset management practices could improve how they manage, maintain, or replace specific subsystems, components, or devices. This information will include policies, processes, tools, and resources agencies should consider using to determine what asset management practices may be appropriate to their TMS. It will also highlight life cycle planning and live cycle cost analysis practices and issues agencies should consider (e.g., maintenance, repair, replacement, configuration) for subsystems (e.g., data, software, telecom) and components.
- Managing Traffic Management Systems Assets - Technical Report
- Managing Traffic Management Systems Assets – Technical Presentation
- Managing Traffic Management Systems Assets – Technical Presentation (with speaker notes)
Contact Information
Project Champion
Alex Wassman
FHWA Contact
Jon Obenberger
(202) 493-3265