HOV Pooled Fund Study Banner Image

Completed Projects

TMC Operator Requirements and Position Descriptions, Phase 1

The goal of this project is to develop a matrix that relates operator knowledge, skill, and ability requirements to TMC functions. Because not all TMCs perform the same functions, the matrix traces requirements to the potential tasks that operators may perform based on possible TMC functions. Agencies could use the matrix and other information developed by this project to determine and prepare job classifications, recruitment and training requirements, and define career paths for operators.

Available Product

  • Guidelines for TMC Transportation Management Operations Technician Staff Development, December 2002 (Note: This report has been revised in 2005. The revised report can be found on the web page for the Phase 2 project.)

Contact Information

To request final documents or materials related to this project, provide feedback and comments, report errors in the final report, or web site questions, contact:

Jon Obenberger
(202) 493-3265