HOV Pooled Fund Study Banner Image

Completed Projects

Performance Measures and Health Index of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Assets

This project synthesized agency practices with using data from ITS assets to provide visualization and summary of the data to support the management of ITS assets, as well as to advance transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) capabilities, and support integration of TSMO into the management and operations of the transportation management centers (TMCs) and systems. This project captured ITS asset management practices, including optional State or local agency programmatic-level performance measures that support TSMO Plans; align with the States’ departments of transportation’s (DOT’s) Transportation Asset Management Plan, maintenance management system, and Long-Range Transportation Plan meet the needs of TMCs and State’s transportation system.


  • Technical Report (completed June 2020, publication coming soon)
  • NOCoE webinar (occurred September 2020)

Contact Information

FHWA Contact
Jon Obenberger
(202) 493-3265