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Completed Projects

Regional, Statewide, and Multi-State TMC Concept of Operations and Requirements

Many TMCs are regional facilities and are intended to serve particular areas/regions. However, a TMC can also function as a statewide or multi-state facility, responsible for providing traffic management, incident management and dissemination of information to the traveling public and the media at a regional, statewide or multi-state corridor or region level. A viable way to ensure the key transportation management functions and services are maintained 24/7 throughout a regional, a state, or a multi-state region/corridor is to establish a regional/statewide/multi-state TMC where the operations of other TMCs within the regional/state/multi-state could be shared with or transferred to during off hours. Several policy, institutional and technical issues need to be considered for a regional/statewide/multi-state TMC implementation. The overall objective of this project will be to develop a document that provides technical guidance and recommended practices on the need for, how to develop, and use a concept of operations and requirements throughout the life cycle of a regional, statewide, or multi-state TMC.

Contact Information

To request final documents or materials related to this project, provide feedback and comments, report errors in the final report, or web site questions, contact:

Jon Obenberger
(202) 493-3265

Available Products

  • Using a Concept of Operations to Support Regional Integration Projects - A Technical Guide
  • Project Fact Sheet
  • Project Presentation

Technical References