Completed Projects
Developing and Using Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems
The overall objective of this project is to develop technical resources that provide guidance and recommended practices on the need for, how to develop, use a concept of operations, and corresponding requirements throughout the life cycle of TMC. This project will produce a detailed handbook, technical presentation, fact sheet, tri-fold brochure, primer, and communications plan to guide the distribution and use these outreach and awareness materials. These products will focus assisting practitioners that may be involved in, or responsible for developing, making revisions to, or using a concept of operations and requirements throughout the various life cycle phases on a TMC.
Available Products
- Developing and Using a Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems: A Technical Handbook (PDF 2.7MB)
- Developing and Using a Concept of Operations in Transportation Management Systems: A Primer (PDF 386KB)
- Fact Sheet (PDF 598KB)
- Brochure (PDF 53KB)
- Presentation (PDF 521KB)
Contact Information
To request final documents or materials related to this project, provide feedback and comments, report errors in the final report, or web site questions, contact:
Jon Obenberger
(202) 493-3265