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Members List

The following is a list of the current TMC PFS members their points of contact, and other individuals from their agency who have been identified as their representative related to each of the various projects. Click on a name to compose and send an email to one of the members.

List of TMC Pooled-Fund Study Members
Members Agency
Brett Sellers Alabama Department of Transportation
David Blue Arizona Department of Transportation
Sri Balasubramanian California Department of Transportation
Jon Obenberger (202) 493-3265 Federal Highway Administration
Fred Heery, Sr. Florida Department of Transportation
Dolores Uttero Georgia Department of Transportation
Ashley Hochberger Iowa Department of Transportation
Shari Hilliard Kansas Department of Transportation
Ryan Reviere Louisiana Department of Transportation
Jason Dicembre Maryland Department of Transportation
Suzette Peplinski Michigan Department of Transportation
John McClellan Minnesota Department of Transportation
Alex Wassman Missouri Department of Transportation
Seth Daniels Nevada Department of Transportation
Michael Juliano New Jersey Department of Transportation
Becky Gibson-Schott New York State Department of Transportation
Michael McNeill Ohio Department of Transportation
Ryan McNary Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Josh Brown Tennessee Department of Transportation
Tomas Lindheimer Texas Department of Transportation
Chris Siavrakas Utah Department of Transportation
Ali Farhangi Virginia Department of Transportation
Mike Swires Washington State Department of Transportation
Rebecca Klein Wisconsin Department of Transportation